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Health insurance

Most of the treatments are covered by Japanese public health insurance except aesthetic treatments, which are listed below.

Hair removal

Epilation laser therapy is performed using long-pulsed alexandrite laser which is the most common hair removal laser in the world.


This non-laser light treatment is designed to improve the wrinkles and freckles without hampering your daily make-up.
This is also effective for skin tightening.

Q-switched laser

Q-switch laser is a golden standard for solar pigmentation and congenital nevus.


Thermage or ThermaCool is a radio frequent device for skin tightening.
ThermageNXT is the latest model of thermage and the only one in this area.
This is the strongest skin tightening device in the world thus far.


Wrinkle treatment with Botox is the most common aesthetic procedures in USA.
Forehead wrinkles, crows feet, and hyperhidorosis (over secretion of sweat) can be cured with Botox. We use Botox of Aragan, USA.

Hyaluronic acid

Wrinkles and folds can be filled with hialuronic acid.
We have prepared three types of hyaluronic acid which are selected depending on the site of the treatment.

Peau claire

Serie peau claire means clear skin series in French.
The line-up of our clinic original skin care agents.